Development Team Leader

Month April 2018

3dPang and OpenGL

I know, I know, it is a bit late for writing this post, but it is something I wanted to do since long time ago. It is a project I worked with a classmate during the university, not for fun but… Continue Reading →


Travel, adventures and backpacks

Last year has not been amazing from the point of view of my salary. This means that I had no possibility to make any travel at all, if not for visiting my family. But now the situation is quite good:… Continue Reading →


The crisis of democracy in (technology) companies

Companies are made by men and women who work together for creating value that leads the company to have profit. Blah blah blah. The last leaf in the company is the employee, the worker, that is doing his job. In… Continue Reading →


About SCRUM team size

It has been a long time since the last post. This basically because I changed the company for which I work, and I needed a lot of time to integrate and to fix other issues. I am going to speak… Continue Reading →


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