Andrea Lorenzani's blog

Development Team Leader

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Kinesis aka the most misunderstood tool ever

Let’s clarify: I work with AWS since 7 years now, and not in one, but in two companies I have been forced to use Kinesis to develop components that didn’t need Kinesis. And every time I try to explain that… Continue Reading →


Hiring, promoting and firing effects on culture

We are used to think that hiring a new person, if he is valid, is new power for the company. Firing or not firing an employee avoid problems, increase performance and frees a place that can be replaced with someone… Continue Reading →


IRL Streaming with OBS (Part I)

I am a developer. A team leader, but still a developer. I love technology, so I usually try to do stuff and I use my skill to do it “differently”. I went for a journey on the Lake District, and… Continue Reading →


Road to serverless

In April I changed company. I had a problem with my line manager, I try to stand the situation as much as I could (reason why, lately, a big percentage of my posts were related to leadership and culture) but… Continue Reading →


On culture

Again, again, I knoooow, it is a lot since last post. I am changing company (again, sigh), so yes, I had to spend all my holidays, meaning that on February I went in Belgium, I did a coast to coast… Continue Reading →


Recruiters have a soul, too

I have always tried in my life to be optimistic and to be positive and see the positive side of people. And I have met lot of people that are negative and evil inside. They had few or no things… Continue Reading →


µCon 2018 – Day 1 – Part 2

Previously on the blog: in my previous post I spoke about the first three talk, two of them about chaos engineering. The fourth talk was “Stop Bashing Orchestration! And Long Live Choreography!” by Martin Schimak (blog – twitter – linkedin) started… Continue Reading →


µCon 2018 – Day 1 – Part 1

Monday and Tuesday I was at the µCon, the microservices conferences hosted in Codenode. I was so excited that in 2 days I took 19 pages of notes (and I am a person that writes with very small fonts). I… Continue Reading →


Team and employee engagement

“At a software services firm, a 50% increase in team familiarity was followed by a 19% decrease in defects and a 30% decrease in deviations from budget. On audit and consulting teams, high familiarity yielded a 10% improvement in performance,… Continue Reading →

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