Development Team Leader

Tag Agile

When agile is a buzz word

I am close to get a huge achievement in my new role, after 4 months that I joined this company (4 months including Christmas): we will deploy a new fraud system made by me and a team of 2. This… Continue Reading →


Why you need a Squad Health Check and you didn’t know

Have you ever heard about the Scaling Agile @ Spotify (or the so called “the Spotify model” or “the Spotify process“)? Well, I am not a big fan of it, but some principles, adapted to the different companies structures, have… Continue Reading →


On culture

Again, again, I knoooow, it is a lot since last post. I am changing company (again, sigh), so yes, I had to spend all my holidays, meaning that on February I went in Belgium, I did a coast to coast… Continue Reading →


About SCRUM team size

It has been a long time since the last post. This basically because I changed the company for which I work, and I needed a lot of time to integrate and to fix other issues. I am going to speak… Continue Reading →


Kanban Pizza @ SkillsMatter

Any person involved in technology should, from time to time, follow some meetups. And SkillsMatter is a very good place to find some of them. Tonight I went to Kanban Pizza, it was not what I expected (and maybe I… Continue Reading →


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